Showing .htaccess files in Transmit FTP

I’ve been trying to work this one out for ages, but I’ve finally figured it out. I always like to be able to edit my .htaccess files, but seeing as they are hidden files, Transmit FTP would never show them. I always ended up going back to my PC and using CuteFTP Pro.

Turns out there is a simple option to show hidden files such as .htaccess in Transmit FTP. Simply select View -> Show Invisible Files.

So simple! I can’t believe I have missed this option all this time.

36 thoughts to “Showing .htaccess files in Transmit FTP”

  1. Nice one.

    I have a problem where Transmit doesn’t show hidden files in “their stuff”, only “my stuff”.

    Also, when I try to copy an .htaccess file to a site, Transmit gives me this error:

    Could not upload “.htaccess”.

    Server said:
    .htaccess: Forbidden filename

    Error -160: could not start data transfer


    Any ideas? πŸ™‚

  2. It sounds like your web host blocks the use of .htaccess files, unless of course the server is Windows, running IIS, in which case you can’t use .htaccess files.

  3. Thanks! My coworkers Transmit were all showing the .htaccess file except mine. Now i don’t feel so left out anymore πŸ™‚


  4. Jonno, name the file htaccess.txt, upload it, then rename it to .htaccess using your FTP client.


  5. ha! I just wrote about this, I hope Panic makes an adjustment so it’s easier for new Transmit users to find.

  6. Thanks a lot for the tip.. I could not see .htaccess file on Transmit. So I had to use Fetch. But now I know .htaccess is also visible in Transmit πŸ™‚

  7. Thanks, I just “telneted” to a client’s server to do it the proper old school way. Glad I found this before spending all morning typing commands :o)

  8. Great post. Just what I was looking for. I regularly transfer entires sites with transmit before I have them in version control. So missing those hidden files can be really pesky.

  9. Thanks for this post, saved me a lot of headache. Funny how so many people are having to find the answer to this question on a blog post from 4 years ago.

  10. I love Transmit…it thinks like a Mac. Now I love it even more! Thank you for the tip, this is way much easier than going through Finder and much cheaper than a special piece of software.

  11. Thx. You missed it Ò€” or should i say, we missed it Ò€” because it’s a UI mistake not to have present in the prgramme preferences where this sort of micro-file-handeling-details are expected.

    IMHO it’s an oversight

  12. I had the same error message trying to upload a file to a Windows server using Transmit. All but one would upload. This one kept giving the error Error -160: could not start data transfer

    The Starting Point – What You Should Do Now

    The only thing different with this file name was the inclusion of the – in the name

    I renamed the file to

    The Starting Point What You Should Do Now

    and it uploaded without a problem

  13. Thx, so simple, but i found your solution over google. That prooves it doesn’t matter how simple a thing could be solved… just post it on the internet and someone would appreciate it =)
    So thank you very much!

  14. I just wanted to thank you. You’ve saved me a headache! I thought it was going to be a bit more complicated than that. Now to get my redirects sortedÒ€¦

  15. Euhm… :-S Not so nice in my opinion…

    Ok, it shows the file, but the finder window gets bloated with all sorts of hidden files and folders that i can’t distinguish the trees from the forrest anymore!

    Hope there will come a solution that will solve this (e.g. only show hidden files filter or something).



  16. Thanks for steering me in the right direction. I was looking all over in preferences and couldn’t find it. Figures it would be under the view menu.

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